Graduate writing in marine and
environmental sciences
OCG533, Fall 2002
Assignments and Answers
* We will not meet on Friday 11 October because I will be
traveling. With the holiday the following Monday, that gives you a week off.
** We will not meet on Friday 8 November because I will again
be traveling (and on the following Monday because of Veterans' Day).
*** First draft of paper due on Wednesday 13 November. Use
the week off to prepare it. Highly recommended to turn in partial material
before then.
****Second draft of paper due on Monday 25 November. Enjoy
your Thanksgiving!
*****No class on Wednesday 27 November, but I will be in the
classroom for anyone who wants to discuss any aspect of their paper.
******Looking ahead a little, we will not meet on Friday 6
December and Monday 9 December (the last day of formal classes.
*******Final papers due Monday 16 December.