Hui's Ph.D. Defense—1

    The examination is about to begin...

The examining committee sat at the front tables, well stocked with fruit for the morning's work. There were actually two defenses in tandem that morning, Yuan Hui and Han Lihui.

BNU students assembled at the rear of the room (and in the comfortable chairs). Han Lihui is on the right, next to Guo Jinghua, who defended last year.

Three little peas in a pod—Hou Shuhong, Hou Ximei, and Zhang Wenjie.

BNU student Sun Yele give the victory sign for Hui.

Hui is ready to begin.

Hui's opening page.

Questions from Prof. Wang Wenxing of SEPA.

Hui's final slide, with her standing in front of the Indian statue in Narragansett, Rhode Island.

Prof. Zhuang joins in the discussion.

Returning to an earlier point under questioning.

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