31 May 2005, Class with the group and party for Hui
It so happened that Hui's birthday fell within a couple of
days of her Ph.D. defense. To celebrate both occasions, Gao Qingxian and I
planned a party with the entire group. We took Hui to a Sichuan restaurant neat
the southeast corner of Beijing Normal University, and had a great time. But
first we preceded it by a class where I showed them satellite images of dust
storms in the Sahara, the Gobi, and the Takla Makan.
The class was in the afternoon. I had had lunch that day with
Liu Chunhui, a friend of my friend Li Guoying. I invited Chunhui to stay for the
class and the party, even though she had only met two of the group members
before. She was able to, and we all had a good time.
Class with the group
Walk to the hotel
Party 1
Party 2
Party 3
Party 4