Spring break 2000 in Beijing
The spring semester of 2000 was developing such that I knew that by midterm
break, I could really benefit from a change of scenery. So I threw caution to the
winds and headed to Beijing, where I had never been in spring. I wanted to
include two new experiences: being in a dust storm (whose aerosol I have
studied for 20 years) and walking a different portion of the Great Wall. Best
would be to get caught by a dust storm while walking the Wall! I got the Wall but
not the dust.
I stayed in the Floating Moon Hotel on the grounds of the Chinese Academy of
Meteorological Sciences, the same place I had been for Y2K. As before,
my host was my Tibetan student-friend Zhuoga, fresh from the Chinese New Year
celebration. I hope you enjoy the pictures that follow.
Traditional Zhuoga
Visiting CRAES
The Great Wall at Mutianyu