To the summit

Once on the Wall, we saw that we could walk south along an extremely up-and-down section or north along a section that generally rose to a summit. We chose the summit.

Here is the way the first part of our walk looked. Note the ice and snow from an earlier snowfall.

The barrel of a cannon had been added recently for its general effect. Note how the Wall suddenly becomes steep.

This is what I call "little steps for little feet" along the wall. People with big feet or heavy shoes have to be careful how they step.

Zhuoga is standing in front of a few very big, steep steps. Note how the first one nearly reaches her knees.

A view back to the south.

Great view, huh? It's to the south. You can see the little village right in the middle where we began our climb. The patterned stone walk provides something of a shortcut to another section of the Wall.

This is one of my favorite pictures. It seems to capture the essence of the Wall, at least as I experienced it.

Zhuoga is standing in front of a section that is flat enough that no steps are required.

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