Up To The Top 3

    Our climb to Heavenly Tour Peak continues...

Zhang Yaolong, Li Linmei, and Chen Liqi in front of the the sheer peaks.

Yours truly at the same place.

A view of the peaks from higher up.

This is a professional Chinese photographer we met along the way. He took an interest in me because I was the only westerner around and because I also had a camera. He took some pictures of me taking pictures. Afterward, we compared equipment. He had a Canon Eos Rebel, as did I. He was using an ultrawide-angle lens, as was I. (His was 1735 mm, mine 1935. I was 2 mm jealous!) He was using a lens shield and fill-in flash, but I wasn't. That's the difference between a pro and a well-meaning amateur.

A little zone where rain can run off the rocks.

A little pond filled by rain running off.

Back to China June 2002