Suilou Huang Graduates
II: Afterwards
The ceremony ended, and we all filed out. Here are some pictures taken immediately afterward and later at the President's Reception in the Student Union.
Suilou and Ken enjoying a light moment just after the ceremony.
A closer view of graduate and professor. Those viewers who believe in ghosts might want to check out the lower left corner of this photo. Is it a manifestation of one of the old Ph.D.'s that didn't die, just faded (nearly) away and returns each year, complete with multicolored hood, to recharge its psychic batteries at the graduate graduation? They say that the camera can catch things that the eye misses. Could this be one of those cases? Will the Spirit of Mackal visit again next year?
The crowd milling about in front of the field house. Even some light rain couldn't dampen the spirits that day.
As is common in higher education across the U.S. today, many Asians were among the graduates. Here is a typical group having fun for the camera.
The first pose by Suilou and Eric.
Suilou and Eric with three of their friends from URI.
On the left are Eric's parents. I don't see Kim hamming it up for the camera, do you?
The family.
I think he's proud of her.
Suilou and Eric.
The relaxed graduate.
Ken and Suilou.
But what do sons of Ph.D.'s want to do on graduation day? Shoot guns, of course! Lucky for him, this one had a grandmother who could get into it, too. Looks like a fierce battle is being raged, but don't count the grandmother out. She looks pretty determined.
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