Empire State Building, Part I
One place we had to see was the Empire State Building, at 34th Street and
Fifth Avenue.
Here's the way it looked while walking along 34th Street from the Sixth Avenue subway stop.
To get to the Observatory on the 86th floor, you first take an elevator to the 80th floor, and then another to the 86th. We were greeted with this beautiful view to the northwest. On the other side of the Hudson River is New Jersey, with its Meadowlands being seen just over the first ridge. Some of Manhattan's docks are visible in the middle of the photo. Just beyond the tall buildings you can see some of Central Park. Note also Macy's in the lower left.
The view straight to the north. The area north of Central Park is devoid of skyscrapers.
The view to the northeast. Just to the right of center are the Chrysler Building, the Queensboro Bridge, and the Borough of Queens.
The view to the southeast. Across the East River are Queens and Long Island. On the far right is the Williamsburg Bridge. Brooklyn is just off the photo to the right.
The view to the south. Note the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty are just to their right, but are hard to see here. To their left is Brooklyn.
From the 86th floor to the 102nd. Note the airplane against the cloud.
Mei and a view to the east.
Mother and daughter enjoying the sights.
Ken comes out from behind the camera.
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