Empire State Building, Part II
More pictures of people on the 86th-floor Observatory of the Empire State
Xiaodong and a view to the east.
The Zheng family and a view to the southeast.
Wanjin and Mali and a view to the south.
Wanjin, Mali, and Ken with a view to the northeast.
Xiaodong and a view to the south.
Xiaodong, with Mali, Mei, and Wanjin in the background.
Sorry, but the balcony is crowded! Note the shadow covering the southern part of Manhattan.
We had originally hoped to get to see the Statue of Liberty either by going to the island or by approaching it on a Circle Line cruise, but ultimately we ran out of time. Mali wanted to be photographed by this smaller version on the second floor of the Empire State Building in order to show her friends back home that at least she had seen a Statue of Liberty. So here is living proof, all you folks back there in China!
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