Beijing March 2002

    I had a chance to visit Beijing for a week in mid-March of 2002, to perform an "Expert Mission" for the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is based in Vienna. The IAEA supports a great deal of research into atomic energy and its various uses in developing countries. Some of these contracts include visits by experts in areas related to the research. In my case, it was on sampling aerosols and analyzing them by nuclear techniques. I visited Prof. Tian Weizhi and his research group at the China Institute of Atomic Energy in Fangshan, a small town some 50 km SW of Beijing. I arrived on Saturday 9 March and left the next Saturday. In between, I spent three days at CIAE, one day at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing, and one day at the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center.
    I am not posting any photos from CIAE because they have introduced a very strict policy against photography since the tragic events of September 11th. I am posting three other series, however, a long set from the nearby Shihua Cave, where they took me to visit on Wednesday the 13th, a short series from my lecture at IHEP the next day, and a few from my visit to the monitoring center on Friday. Enjoy!

Shihua Cave
Shihua Cave II

Shihua Cave III

Shihua Cave IV

Lecture at Institute of High Energy Physics

Beijing Municipal Monitoring Center
Beijing Municipal Monitoring Center II


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