Martin Shackelford Through The Years
Martin Shackelford, of Saginaw, Michigan, is a well-known
and respected JFK researcher of the conspiracy persuasion. He has kindly made
available to me a series of photographs of him from 1964 through 2005, which I
present here as the next step in my continuing campaign "Posters are people,
too" for the JFK newsgroup alt.assassination.jfk. This is the fifth photo show in the series, the first
four being Steve Barber,
Rob Spencer,
John McAdams, and
Pamela McElwain-Brown.
One of the photos may be of particular interest to people who
have followed the discussions about Judyth Vary Baker. It shows Martin with
Judyth, Anna Lewis, and Howard Platzman.
September 1964, at the time of release of the Warren Report.
1966, around the time of first doubts about the report.
April 30, 1975, studying a bootleg 8-mm copy of the Z film a month after the Groden showing on Geraldo.
The late 1970s, when Martin began writing articles about the assassination.
November 1992, as Martin was listening to a witness in Dealey Plaza on his second trip there. Taken by Robert Johnson of the Assassination Information Center, the place founded by Larry Howard and Gary Shaw where witnesses could walk in and tell their stories.
Portrait of Martin made during the 1993 Providence, RI, conference by Randy Weisbin, a young woman who sketched some of the participants.
Still photo from an interview done at ASK 93 in Dallas.
New Orleans, January 2000: Martin, Judyth Baker, Anna Lewis, and Howard Platzman.
July 2003, during a visit by a friend.
May 2005, at the computer.