The Rahn Family Photos

    When I learned in May 2005 that my father, then 90, had amassed over 6000 negatives of us three kids growing up in the 1940s through the 1970s, I resolved to scan them into my computer as soon as possible. I have now (early January 2006) finished the first half of the 35-mm set of 100 rolls. I have posted them primarily for our family to view and comment on, but also for other interested viewers.
    Each roll of 35-mm negatives had been cut into six strips by my father and stored in standard glassine envelopes of maximum six negatives each. I scan them with my Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED, at densities of 1000 and 4000 dpi. The photos posted are the low-density versions. They are grouped by roll and then by strip. For example, Roll 1-5 means first roll, fifth strip.
    For the technically inclined, I treat each negative individually. First I prescan, then adjust the brightness and contrast, and then scan, using Nikon's grain-reduction postprocessing function. The results are very good, except for scratches on the negatives.
    I have made the photos here the same size as the color images on my other slide shows, 1024x683 for horizontal images and 455x683 for vertical images. To view them best, use full-screen (F11 on IE) and no frames.
    For the 6x9 negatives and a few of odd size, I used a Nikon Super Coolscan 9000, because the 5000 ED could not accept negatives larger than 35 mm. They were scanned in the same way, and are listed here by number. (See below.)
    I am adding only minimal text for now. Later I will reorganize them and add more text. For now, just enjoy!

    Update as of May 2008: I worked for 18 months on these negatives, and then had to put them aside. I finished all the 6x9s and the first 50 rolls of the 35-mms in mid-July 2006. I am now restarting my efforts, with roll 52 of the 35-mms.
    In the interim, my father passed away (February 2007). At least he got to see the first batch of his negatives projected on a big screen.
    Update as of July 2011: In the last session, I got from roll 52 through roll 80. Now I have some time to continue, and am working from roll 81.

Roll No. (35 mm)

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121
2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 112 122
3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 113 123
4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 114 124
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106 116 126
7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 107 117 127
8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 118  
9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 109 119  
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  

    In September 2005 I received a set of 2300 6x9 negatives that my father took from 1940 to about 1955. I am scanning them with my new Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED, obtained for this purpose. As this job takes three times as long per negative than the 35-mms did, I am posting the larger pictures in groups of ten, or one Web page at a time.

1-10 101-110 201-210 301-310 401-410 501-510 601-610 701-710 801-810 901-910
11-20 111-120 211-220 311-320 411-420 511-520 611-620 711-720 811-820 911-920
21-30 121-130 221-230 321-330 421-430 521-530 621-630 721-730 821-830 921-930
31-40 131-140 231-240 331-340 431-440 531-540 631-640 731-740 831-840 931-940
41-50 141-150 241-250 341-350 441-450 541-550 641-650 741-750 841-850 941-950
51-60 151-160 251-260 351-360 451-460 551-560 651-660 751-760 851-860 951-960
61-70 161-170 261-270 361-370 461-470 561-570 661-670 761-770 861-870 961-970
71-80 171-180 271-280 371-380 471-480 571-580 671-680 771-780 871-880 971-980
81-90 181-190 281-290 381-390 481-490 581-590 681-690 781-790 881-890 981-990
91-100 191-200 291-300 391-400 491-500 591-600 691-700 791-800 891-900 991-1000


1001-1010 1101-1110 1201-1210 1301-1310 1401-1410 1501-1510 1601-1610 1701-1710 1801-1810 1901-1910
1011-1020 1111-1120 1211-1220 1311-1320 1411-1420 1511-1520 1611-1620 1711-1720 1811-1820 1911-1920
1021-1030 1121-1130 1221-1230 1321-1330 1421-1430 1521-1530 1621-1630 1721-1730 1821-1830 1921-1930
1031-1040 1131-1140 1231-1240 1331-1340 1431-1440 1531-1540 1631-1640 1731-1740 1831-1840 1931-1940
1041-1050 1141-1150 1241-1250 1341-1350 1441-1450 1541-1550 1641-1650 1741-1750 1841-1850 1941-1950
1051-1060 1151-1160 1251-1260 1351-1360 1451-1460 1551-1560 1651-1660 1751-1760 1851-1860 1951-1960
1061-1070 1161-1170 1261-1270 1361-1370 1461-1470 1561-1570 1661-1670 1761-1770 1861-1870 1961-1970
1071-1080 1171-1180 1271-1280 1371-1380 1471-1480 1571-1580 1671-1680 1771-1780 1871-1880 1971-1980
1081-1090 1181-1190 1281-1290 1381-1390 1481-1490 1581-1590 1681-1690 1781-1790 1881-1890 1981-1990
1091-1100 1191-1200 1291-1300 1391-1400 1491-1500 1591-1600 1691-1700 1791-1800 1891-1900 1991-2000


2001-2010 2101-2110 2201-2210 2301-2310
2011-2020 2111-2120 2211-2220 2311-2320
2021-2030 2121-2130 2221-2230 2321-2331
2031-2040 2131-2140 2231-2240  
2041-2050 2141-2150 2241-2250  
2051-2060 2151-2160 2251-2260  
2061-2070 2161-2170 2261-2270  
2071-2080 2171-2180 2271-2280  
2081-2090 2181-2190 2281-2290  
2091-2100 2191-2200 2291-2300  

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